What is the TumbleBooks Library? It is an online collection of children’s books with a wide range of subjects, styles, and reading levels that we provide free through our website; you don’t even need a library card!
TumbleBooks offers animated, professionally narrated picture books and read-along narrated chapter books, both of which feature highlighted text so children can follow or read along. Narrated picture books are a good way for reinforcing the six essential early literacy skills with younger children, helping prepare them for reading success in school.

There are chapter books and graphic novels for independent reading as well. The entire collection covers reading levels from kindergarten to grade 6.
TumbleBooks also has language-learning books, featuring picture books in French and Spanish. These books are great way to introduce your child to another language and are ideal for ESL families.
You can even enjoy educational videos from National Geographic! And there are games and puzzles to enhance your child’s reading experience.