Summer Reading
JUNE 3-AUGUST 10. Attend programs and read books to earn prizes. Sign up below beginning on Monday, June 3, to participate in the Summer Reading Challenge.
For children age 0 to 12-years-old. Explore new stories and read books to earn prizes! Sign up now here or visit the library. And as always, there is lots of free special programming happening all summer.
For youth age 13 to 17. Read books and earn prizes, it’s that simple! Sign up now here or visit the library. Plus, enjoy lots of great programs happening all summer long.
For adults age 18 and older. Registration begins Monday, June 3. Sign up online with the Beanstack app, or for those that prefer paper, sign up in-person at the 2nd floor Reference Desk or 1st floor Recommendations Desk.
There will be weekly prize drawings and a grand prize drawing at the end of summer.