C-SPL January 2025 Reader of the Month


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Meet the C-SPL January 2025 Reader of the Month, Angie Ma!

I am a new store owner of a used book and candle store on 11th and Iowa Streets, called Limerick Candle & Vintage Reads. I am a lifelong bibliophile, English Major, and oddly enough, my day job is in the automotive business.

As many other Gen Xers, I’ve read books growing up that were probably extremely inappropriate for my age. Anne Rice and Stephen King probably stick out the most, and I was reading those in grade school and middle school. So, that started a lifelong love of reading as I was on my own a lot with no siblings.

It’s great escapism. I’ve never stopped reading. There are so many lovely worlds out there that are better than our reality. Book hangovers are real! Plus, it calms my brain down from a long day of work.

C-SPL January 2025 Reader of the Month Q & A:

Q: What book(s) are you currently reading?

A: “The Familiar” by Leigh Bardugo.

Q: What is the best book you have read within the last year (or ever)?

A: In the last year, I really liked Naomi Novik’s Scholomance series. It’s very different from your usually fantasy tropes

Q: What is your ideal reading environment (location, sound, snacks, etc.)?

A: My comfy reading chair, no noise, with a candle, and some earl grey tea.

Q: What book are you most excited about reading next, and what about it is exciting?

A: I’m not sure, my TBR pile is getting out of control since my reading time is way down with the store opening. I got “Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide” as a gift, that looks fun. 

Q: What format do you prefer and why?

A: Oh my gosh, I use all three. If I have a nice hardcover, I won’t read it in bed, so then I use my phone or kindle. Sitting at the store working, I usually have an audiobook going, and will have to flip on music if it gets too spicy when customers come in.

Q: Have you discovered any exciting new authors or genres?

A: One of my BFFs turned me on to dark academia. That’s interesting.

Q: Have you read any books recently that have changed the way you think about something?

A: Not necessarily recently, but books like “1984,” “Persepolis,” “The Handmaid’s Tale,” and so many others are incredibly relevant for our current political climate. But I would say reading in general widens your worldview. It’s a great way to learn about other cultures, other people, all while kind of living in their world briefly.

Q: When do you decide to stop reading a book? Do you read every book to the last page, or is there a moment when you decide to stop?

A: I do have Kindle Unlimited just for ease when traveling or pure laziness. There have been quite a few times where I get a few chapters in and quit. It is always for poor writing, not content. It’s a lot easier with random free books on a kindle though, than for a physical book you bought. I’m not sure I ever quit one of those.

Check out Angie’s Favorite Books
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More Reader of the Month posts.

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