Tax Forms & Printing at Carnegie-Stout Public Library
The Iowa Department of Revenue is not distributing paper tax instruction booklets through Carnegie-Stout Public Library this year, and the selection from the IRS is very limited. Library staff can help you find tax forms and instructions online and print them for $0.10 per side of a sheet. For more tax information, call Carnegie-Stout Public Library at 563-589-4225 and ask for the Reference Desk.
Iowa Tax Forms
Iowa tax forms are available online at Help with Iowa forms and tax questions is available by calling 515-281-3114 or 1-800-367-3388.
Federal Tax Forms
Federal tax forms and instructions are available online at You can order free forms to be delivered to you by mail at or by calling 1-800-829-3676. Tax help is available by calling 1-800-829-1040. According to the IRS, live phone assistance is extremely limited at this time.